My Halloween Costume

I’ve decided to go ahead with the captain Jack Sparrow costume.

For this costume I will use:

These long black boots that I have. I will add black fabric to make them look more like the ones from the movie.

white pants (i have no brown ones, but I was contemplating painting them brown.)

An old tshirt that I will cut down the middle.

I haven’t quite figured out what I can use for the jacket.

Since I have no way to get an authentic pirate hat I am going to only use a red bandana.

Halloween Costumes

For  Halloween this year I have comtemplated the idea of being Captain Jack Sparrow. In order to do this I would have to create the costume entirely by myself out of materials I have around my house.

Option 2 – A princess

I have a couple dresses I could use. If I do my hair up nice it could work (maybe not THIS princess).

My costume has to be fully ready by Saturday night. I will post pictures of my costume.